
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Submissive Saturday 2!

Technically, it's our second Submissive Saturday post, BUT it's our first Submissive Saturday .. day. If that makes any sense. :)

Colin decided that every Saturday, we're going to focus on a certain thing he picks, for the day. Something to help my submission, his Dominance, or just something that he thinks we need to focus on. For our first one, today, he decided to jump right in and he decided that we're going to focus on the collar today. We've had the collar for a while, but have never used it. When I think of submission, the collar is definitely something that comes to mind. I have a feeling that when he has me wear it, i'll have no other choice, but to feel submissive. I'm excited for that reason - I want to feel submissive. On the other hand, i'm SO nervous. I don't know why, but I also see it as being 'silly.' I worry that i'll look stupid, or that it'll look ridiculous, I just worry and over think wayyy too much.

So my goal for the day? Don't over analyze. Don't worry about how silly I might think I look. Instead, focus on how it makes me feel submissive. How it makes me look at him as the Dominant. Focus on the positive things, don't get caught up in worrying about the negative. Easier said than done, but i'm going to try.

Thankfully he had work this morning, and we also have a bunch of things to do later this afternoon, so we won't have all day to use the collar, but we will have some time. I'm anxious to see how this is going to turn out.

In the meantime, here is our Submissive Saturday pictures. Hope you enjoy. We'll also add some commentary under the pictures this time, a few words explaining why we like it. I'll comment under mine, and Colin will comment under his. :)

*Again, these pictures were all found on tumblrs .. mainly on a page that just showed pictures from a bunch of different sources, so if any of them are yours, please let me know so I can give credit where it's due.*

Kenzie's pictures:

Rolling up the sleeves? Yes please!

I love how he's holding her hands in place, and pulling down her pants.

Muscles. Belt. :)

The whole mirror concept is interesting. I bet it'd be extremely humbling and effective.

Looove he way she's holding onto his hand.

I don't know what it is about sleeves being rolled up, but I love it.

Such a simple picture, but he somehow seems so in charge.

Having to hold the implement while in the corner. Yikes.

Colin's pictures:
Very obvious that he's in charge, and she's wishing she could get out of it, but knows she can't.

Another way for her to think about, and feel the punishment

I like here how he's holding her by the hair, getting ready to spank her.

Getting ready to deliver a spank.

I like how the implement is still there in the picture.

No blocking with her legs.

I like the hands on her head, while in the corner.

Now she can't move her hand down to block.


  1. Oh dear Lord, some of them make me scare :D But some are cute. In our relationship I have to deserve the collar, and I still haven't, so... Good luck, guys!

    But I still have the tag, he gave me, and... Believe me - there are situations when it doesn't work :D

    1. Thanks nisza_E :) Some are scary aren't they? Lol, but I think they all show who is boss. :)

  2. Yes definitely, rolling sleeves up, I've always had a thing for strong looking forearms I really have.
    I have a pearl choker that is used as a collar. I am told to wear it throughout the day if he feels I need reminding of my role. It does the trick!

    1. That's such a cute idea for a collar, how sweet. :) I bet it does the trick! And yes, rolling the sleeves up, there's just something about it!

  3. I like the idea of a collar its very symbolic.

    Great pics you guys!
    (My personal favs are Kenzie's last one and Colin's third one.)

  4. Some pretty sexy pictures. I think the rolling up of sleeves is very telling too.

    1. Thanks sunnygirl! I loooove the rolling up of sleeves, if you couldn't already tell. :p

  5. Kenzie,

    Many of my friends have collars. One slave has it on 24/7, and it has the O ring attached to a leather collar. So, it really looks like a collar and not a piece of jewelry. I do not think they look silly at all.

    All the pictures are sexy. They capture the essence of the power exchange.

    I love this series.


    1. Thanks joey! That sounds interesting about the 24/7 collar. We've looked into a few others, because the one we have just didn't work for us. It was too restrictive, but I love the idea of it so we're going to try again.

  6. Love these u guys, some are scary but some I really like how it appears who is definitely in charge!

    1. Thanks Honey! You can definitely tell who's in charge from the pics! lol

  7. Hi Kenzie,

    Just found your blog and wanted to say hi. I love the pics, there definitely is something about rolled up sleeves!

    Hope Saturday went well for you. I wear what we call a 'vanilla' collar, because it is a necklace. It only gets taken off for showers or when in bed. It is a visual reminder of us and our roles and I love wearing it. It especially reminds me of him when we are apart. I also love that it is something everyone can see, but only we know its meaning.


    1. I love that idea of how everyone can see it, but only you two know the meaning - we've looked into a few that have that same kind of idea. I'm glad you found the blog! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Hey Kenzie and Colin :)

    I hope you had a great submissive Saturday. I love the pics, definitely with you on the rolled up sleeves. It gives me goose bumps when I'm bent over waiting and he's stood there rollin up his sleeve ;)

    I'm in two minds about a collar. Generally I like the idea, as a symbol of a special relationship, but then that I get from our wedding rings. It's something that connects us and shows we belong to each other.

    But hey if you like te idea and it makes you feel your submissive side, and it feels right to you, then do it and stop over thinking things. Just enjoy the ride :)

    Hugs x

    1. Good point about the wedding rings, I can definitely see your view on that, it makes sense! Not over thinking things, and just enjoying the ride, seems to certainly be the way to go, doesn't it? :)

  9. Definitely don't over analyze! Easier said than done, but confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear, so work it! ;)

    1. So true Rosie, very good point! :) I'll try and keep that in mind!

  10. I like Kenzie's second and fifth one and Colin's last two. Something about the hand holding, especially holding his hand. I have to stand in the corner with my hands on my head so I know that feeling. Yikes. Love your ideas.

    1. Isn't the hand holding great? I really like that one, a lot. Thanks for coming by. :)

  11. Great picture choices. I love the rolling up of sleeves too. :-)
