
Monday, December 9, 2013

DD weekend & Punishment Positions?

Things have been pretty stressful lately between Colin's work schedule and a couple possibly scary health things going on with me, so it was so nice to have the weekend we just had and get our minds off of things for a little bit. We met up with two other DD couples the other day/night and had such a great time.

One of the couples we had met once before, and one of the couples we met for the first time. As much as I get embarrassed when Colin brings up spanking stuff in front of people, it can also be so nice to be around people and not have to worry about what you say. People who don't look at you like you're insane, when your husband puts a paddle on the table in the middle of the room, that he brought "just in case."  

No, the paddle did not have to be put to use. You guys should know by now, that I am a perfectly well behaved, very obedient, angel. 

Hey now! No making that face! I swear I'm an angel .. most of the time. ;)
It was a quick visit, wish it was longer, but it was lots of fun!

Now we're back to reality. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, and I'm really hoping that I'll find out I've been worrying about nothing, so keep your fingers crossed please?

We've been slacking a bit on the Advent Calendar, but depending on what time Colin gets home from work tonight, we plan on catching up on a couple that we missed. I also have a little minor punishment coming up, for not listening to a few things. Not looking forward to that, but thankfully it's nothing major, so I'm hoping it won't be that bad. 

How about you guys, are you enjoying the Advent Calendar activities? I hope so! I'm curious as to how many were on the naughty list, and how many were on the nice list. Take one guess which list I was on. Nope, not the nice list. I say Colin was just grumpy that day and I should have been on the nice list! 

Hope everyone is having fun and not stressing out too much over the holidays. I can't believe Christmas is so soon, and I still have yet to start Christmas shopping. I'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to that, but I plan on getting a lot of it done online, so in order for the stuff to be delivered on time, I probably should get moving on that!

Even though we've been busy lately, It's nice to say that I can still tell DD is very much .. there.

I had a quick spanking the other night, and Colin told me to, "Get into position." I just looked at him with this blank look. Uhhh what? What position? How do I know which position you're talking about??

He came back with, "You're right. We need to number the positions. This way when I tell you I want you in position 4, you'll know what to do. Oh by the way, I will be quizzing you on the positions."

I was seriously shocked at that statement. Let me remind you, I never thought this man could be Dominant. I thought that if it wasn't something you were naturally interested in, you couldn't .. learn it. Well, I'm pretty sure it's always been there in him and I just never realized it, because it's been coming out a lot lately!

Crap. I just realized I don't remember the positions by the numbers.. oops. I do know it consists of 6 positions:

  • Lying flat on the bed
  • Hands on bed & feet on floor
  • Kneeling
  • On hands and knees
  • Standing, hands on head
  • UH-OH.
I can't remember the last position. He only brought this up a few days ago, so hopefully I'll just get a nice little VERBAL reminder. We also ordered a new paddle from leatherthorn. It looks really cute, but I've heard it can be quite the implement, so we'll see.

Other than that, I don't have much to report. Just wanted to check in, and say hi! :) I'll leave you with this picture I found while browsing the internet. Enjoy. ;)


  1. Positions #6......lets make a really good one up so when he asks for number 6 and you have this great creative position and he will say "yea, that's great" instead of "mmmhmmm" when you don't know We had fun this weekend!! You are coming this weekend...right? lol

    1. Haha Sassy, okay come up with a sixth position and let me know. ;) It needs to be super creative of course!

      I had so much fun with you guys, I want to do it again!

  2. I can't remember stuff when I'm supposed to like that so I am glad SM just tells me where he wants me to be! Half the time I can't even remember what I am supposed to say and I say the same exact thing every night! lol

    1. Lol I'm the same way! I'm not so sure how this numbered positions thing is going to go, I don't have the best memory!


  3. Wow Kenzie...Numbered positions? Oh dear...think I would fess up that I don't have them all memorized yet and could he repeat them while I write them down! Trying to 'con' an HoH never seems to go well. ;)

    Happy to hear that you two are doing well. :)


    1. Cat, very good advice! It really isn't a good idea to try to con them, is it?

      Thanks Cat! :)

  4. We've been doing the advent calendar and I was on the nice list until last night. Sigh.

    I think #6 is sitting on your backside.

    1. Aw, well hopefully you're back on the nice list Leah! :)

  5. Interesting about the visit with like-minded dd'ers! I think that would be REALLY fun, although we've never had that experience. I also LOVE the idea of numbered positions! Great post!

    1. I hope you two get to have that experience some day, it really is fun! Very interesting being able to openly talk about spanking in front of others!

      Thanks for coming by and commenting! :)

  6. Sweetie.. I am just sure Collin was grumpy.... I can't imagine you on ANYTHING but the nice list....

    1. Lol Dana, you know me oh so well. Of course Colin was just grumpy. ;)

  7. I love the idea of meeting with other couples! That sounds like so much fun!
    I was on the nice list. (I don't know how. He's kind of lenient I guess :) )

    We have only done a few advent nights, though I have been requesting each night :)
    I hope your Dr. visit goes well.
    Good luck!

    1. Yay for the nice list! At least one of us was on THAT list! :)

      Thank you! :)

  8. Hope you received good news from your doctor.

  9. Hi Kenzie, I'm glad you were able to get a chance to relax at the weekend and meet up with some other DD couples. That would be so awesome!

    Happy to hear things are going well with you and Colin. Numbered positions ... yikes!

    I hope all goes well with the doctor and that you receive good news. I will be thinking of you.


    1. Thanks Roz, it was a lot of fun!

      Thanks for thinking of me, the doctors gave me good news - yay! :)

  10. Kenzie,

    I hope you receive good news. I will send you positive thoughts.

    Glad DD is still alive for you and Colin.


    1. Thanks so much Joey. All the positive thoughts worked, I got good news! :)

  11. I would hate to memorize positions by numbers. I would need a cheat sheet, like writing them on my hand or something, although that would probably be a spankable offense!

    I hope you you doctors appointment goes well, I'll send good thoughts your way.

    1. A cheat sheet, now there's an idea! Lol, I might have to use that one. ;)

      Thanks for the good thoughts, I got good news from the doctors! :)

  12. Hi kenzie, hope you got on ok at the doctors. Fancy meeting up with other couples,That would be great.
    love Jan.xx

    1. Got good news at the doc! Thanks for checking, that's sweet!


  13. that man in the picture definitely needs to be under my tree Christmas morning. That is so cool that you met some other couples. I doubt that will ever happen here.

    1. Haha Blondie, now that'd be one heck of a Christmas present! ;)

      I hope you get the chance one day!

  14. I find the same with the Duke, didn't think he would be very dominant, and now, there are times that I REALLY have to watch out! :) I hope that he'll be graceful on the fact that you're missing one of the positions right now. Would it be best to go to him before he asks, and admit that you're really struggling with recalling the 6th one? Sometimes admitting we need help is better than during question and answer time. ;)

    {{{hugs}}} EsMay

    1. You're so right. I admitted I forgot it, and guess what - he forgot it too! Lol, turns out telling him up front was the way to go. :) Thanks Es May!
